Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I'll learn to love again 1 day.

I'll bury it.
Bury the words I said to you,
bury the words you said to me.
Bury the unwanted promises made,
or the promises broken.
Bury the rules and regulations,
with the ropes behind.
The plane that flew away that day,
landed on some where else and never turned back.
I'll bury the times we argued,
because it is the venom for relationships.
Don't forget to bury the green eyed monster,
that attacked us numerous times.
Bury the love you said before you left,
I don't need that for a souvenir.
I'm glad to know that you are happy.
But another side of me,
he just want you again.
I'll bury it too.
Thank you for everything.
Somebody told me that is okay to miss,
I think I will.
From all what I buried,
I hope 1 day what I buried,
It'll gloom to something beautiful to me and my love ones.
I'll learn to love again 1 day.
I promise.


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